
Showing posts from February, 2023

A Child Waved At Me

  Today, As I was walking to work. I was walking towards a lady pushing a pushchair. She was smoking a cigarette in one hand and pushing the pram in the other. As I was looking ahead, all I saw was her child in the pram slowly waving at me; with her suda (a pacifier) in her mouth. It was the cutest thing ever! It made my day. and it made me feel noticed! It just shows that this world still has kindness and I need to keep connecting/giving attention to those who are like myself- that enjoy greeting people and being friendly. It reminded me of when my baby sister was a baby and I was 16; and she noticed me... by calling me to pick her up and it just gave me hope. Especially when you see that someone has connected with you suddenly and gave you a glimpse of hope. It saved me because I was depressed. Babies make me happy and they are more polite than adults. Working: Maybe I need to work with kids. Future: Maybe it is a sign that I need to have children.